The referral process is instigated by the assigned sending school team, with a designated member of the students team contacting the TRA Director and submitting a completed enrollment application. TRA enrolls students who are willing to engage in treatment, who are able to demonstrate a high-degree of safety within the educational setting and have an interest in engaging in the outdoor component of programming.  

Upon receipt of a completed enrollment application TRA staff will review the application, in conjunction with supporting documentation (including, IEP’s, 504 Plans, past behavioral data and other documentation). TRA staff may then attend a team meeting to determine what the hopes are for the student and their team and to determine what the students' needs are. The Director will then contact the team to coordinate a tour of TRA. 

Following a tour, the TRA team may conduct observations and meet again with the student’s current team. During the tour/second meeting the Director will determine if both the student and the family are interested in pursuing a referral to TRA, TRA will not pursue a referral if neither, aforementioned, are interested in the placement. The referred student will then be invited to spend some time shadowing a typical TRA day. 

The TRA team will then make a decision regarding admission, and may then instigate the completion of intake paperwork or discuss next steps with the student and their team. 


Upon decision of admission, the Director will coordinate with the student’s team to determine a start date. In most cases, new students will begin at TRA at the beginning of the next academic quarter. There may be exceptions to this based on individual circumstances. Prior to the start date parents are responsible for completing necessary paperwork, and will receive a copy of this document and any other pertinent paperwork.


Each new student at TRA will begin under a trial period for their first quarter they are in attendance. There will be an initial check in after the first two weeks, this can be via email, remotely through Google Meets or Zoom, or in person, to review student progress. Two weeks later, at the four week mark, the team will convene to make IEP updates. At the end of quarter,  the team will  convene/communicate additionally to finalize placement. Criteria for remaining in the program include: 


  • 80% (with considerations as determined by the team)


Defined as a willingness to participate in all scheduled TRA activities, including time spent in class and engaged in scheduled tasks and activities.

  • Engagement and attendance  in academic programming: 50%

  • Engagement in outdoor programming: 50%


Defined as keeping hands and body to oneself, the complete absence of the use of physical intervention, with the absence of damaging property to the extent that it results in monetary expenses

  • 100% physical safety


Defined as students using school appropriate language with the absence of discriminatory language, profanity directed at other students and/or staff, following TRA’s hazing, harassment and bullying policies.

  • Zero instances of discriminatory language 

Phone Expectations

  • Students meet the expectation of handing in their phone to TRA administration each morning

If there is evidence of progress in these areas, the student will continue at TRA. If there is a question regarding adequate progress, the team will meet to decide if the student should continue at TRA. If there is no evidence of progress being made, the student will not continue at TRA.

Enrollment Application

Downloadable enrollment application forms:

Enrollment Application (Fillable)

Enrollment Application (Printable)